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April 13, 2022

#13 - When You're the Value Exchange

"How do we find this balance? Not an easy pathway and likely one that anyone delivering a service will ask for their entire career."

Service businesses are tough. You are seeking a value exchange that trades some form of transformation or solution for money, but within this exchange is ultimately an exchange of you.

This is a process of balance where you need to foresee the future; offering too much and being stretched thin by demand isn't going to work for long. Concurrently, pricing too high and finding your proposals going to waste is a sign you need to improve the proposition of value.

Ultimately, you are at the heart of the value exchange and it needs to be both appealing for the buyer and sustainable for you.

How do we find this balance? Not an easy pathway and likely one that anyone delivering a service will ask for their entire career.

Here are some questions to help you think about how to make this work for everyone:

The last question is my favourite at the moment. Especially if it's time to value yourself more than you have in the past.

Sometimes the best way to step forward is to see what the market says yes to.