April 14, 2022

#14 - Scarcity is a Learning Moment

"We spend the majority of our lives surrounded by it in action, in varying forms. Yet how often do we pause and reflect and use it as a learning moment?"

When we're short on time, we learn how valuable it is.

When a sale is in its final 24hrs, we learn how much we want that product or service.

But scarcity can also distort reality; we may think we want or need something more than we do.

Suddenly, free time feels like something worth paying for. A non-essential product feels like something you can't live without.

Scarcity is a powerful tool that taps into a cognitive bias that is hard to shake.

We spend the majority of our lives surrounded by it in action, in varying forms. Yet how often do we pause and reflect and use it as a learning moment?

If we're scarce on something, and we feel like we're being pulled in a direction, it might pay to question what's underneath that drive before taking any further action.