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April 09, 2022

#9 - Optimised for Satisfaction

"Today, I'm reflecting on the value of different environments; what if my work was partially optimised by location?"

When we're in the process of making decisions to progress our careers, it's easy to use money as the main driver.

Is that new salary going to be a step forward?
Will that new product help me hit my revenue goals?

Optimising for money alone is unlikely to lead to overall satisfaction, no matter how good the outcome.

Am I moving in the direction I want to go?
Will I love what I'm doing?
Will I love where I'm doing it?

Within that category of 'satisfaction' lies many potential guides, many of which are easy to overlook.

Do we have variety in tasks and location? 
Does this work energise us or deplete us? 
What does our life look like on the other side of the workweek?
Dope we have control over our work and flexibility in our schedule?

While 'satisfaction' might look different from person to person, it can also look different to us depending on what we're using to guide our decisions.

Today, I'm reflecting on the value of different environments; what if my work was partially optimised by location?

One office one day, someone else's office the next, and a day later hitting the road and being two hours from home, doing different work. I'm grateful that my past week, and the day ahead, are a blueprint of this.

Your journey, activities, dreams, and version of 'satisfaction' are 100% yours. I'm sure we share that optimising for satisfaction might mean we need to factor in more than we realise to drive that outcome.