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April 10, 2022

#10 - A Moment to Pause

"The most fascinating part, ten days in, is I just realised one of my biggest fears about this was facing days where 'I just don't feel like it'."

I love this moment to pause, reflect and see something fresh.

On the one hand, I could look at my day ahead and see a juncture where I might "just not feel like it". It's Sunday, the day of rest, but I have some work to finish and this blog to write.

I wondered if this was a post about how to approach those days where you "just don't feel like it". But that seemed disingenuous to this blog and the reasons behind doing it.

I am doing this for me primarily, which means making the space for this should feel good. I don't see this as something I have to do, even though I'm committed to the challenge to write this daily in April. No, I see this as a chance to stop, shine a light on my thoughts, days, and moments, and see what unfolds.

The most fascinating part, ten days in, is I just realised one of my biggest fears about this was facing days where 'I just don't feel like it'.

While I can't say that won't occur in the future, I have now seen that I've reframed that for myself. Even on a day where rest is my priority, this moment feels like rest because I've decided that the value of the task is for my own happiness, satisfaction and wellbeing.

Sustaining something important might just start with how we see the task within the context of our lives.